FAR - Freemason Abbey Restaurant
FAR stands for Freemason Abbey Restaurant
Here you will find, what does FAR stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Freemason Abbey Restaurant? Freemason Abbey Restaurant can be abbreviated as FAR What does FAR stand for? FAR stands for Freemason Abbey Restaurant. What does Freemason Abbey Restaurant mean?The United States based company is located in Norfolk, Virginia engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of FAR
- Faculty Activity Report
- Fargo, North Dakota USA
- Federal Aviation Regulation
- Floor To Area Ratio
- Federal Acquisition Regulation
- Federal Acquisition Regulation
- Federal Acquisition Regulation
- Federal Acquisition Regulation
View 83 other definitions of FAR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FFL Fortress Fencing LLC
- FWR First World Realty
- FTL Fluid Thinking Ltd
- FDSDSL FDS Director Services Limited
- FRCR Four Rivers Clinical Research
- FCDC First Choice Diagnostic Ctr
- FHC Florida Heart Center
- FCF First Capital Fund
- FLML Flow Leads Media Ltd
- FWP Fort Wayne Plastics
- FSR Florida Sands Realty
- FSIL Fire Safety International Ltd
- FPW Foundry Photojournalism Workshop
- FPCMB FPC of Miami Beach
- FPF Farm Plus Financial
- FDL Frames Direct Ltd
- FFBC First Florida Building Corp
- FICL Fellowship of Independent Celebrants Ltd
- FCL Form Contractors Ltd